Make a Bookmark and Build a Trunk

December 8, 2018 @ 11:00 am
Kansas Children's Discovery Center
regular admission
Make a Bookmark and Build a Trunk @ Kansas Children's Discovery Center

Join us for two days of Mo Willems-themed fun on Friday, December 7 and Saturday, December 8 at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center. At 11 on both days, create character bookmarks to get ready for a winter of reading! At 2 on both days, we’ll read I Broke My Trunk by Mo Willems and create elephant trunks from recycled materials.

Also visit the whimsical world of Mo Willems at The Pigeon Comes to Topeka! A Mo Willems Exhibit at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center, open September 24, 2018 to January 4, 2019. The exhibit brings to life all of Mo Willems’ most popular picture books and characters, including The Pigeon, Elephant and Piggie and Knuffle Bunny in a fun, interactive exhibit that’s full of laughs.

The Pigeon Comes to Topeka! A Mo Willems Exhibit is included in regular admission to the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center, which is $7.75 for kids and adults, $6.75 for seniors, and free for infants under 12 months and KCDC members. Admission also lets you play all day at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center with over 15,000 square feet of indoor exhibits exploring science, careers, art, building and more, plus a 4.5 acre certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom.

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