Discovery Baby is a free, fun program to introduce babies and their caregivers to a world of learning and play!
What is Discovery Baby?
Discovery Baby is a free, fun program to introduce babies and their caregivers to a world of learning and play by connecting new parents and their babies with support networks during the critical first year. The program welcomes babies under 12 months and their caregivers to the museum for a special private playtime and presentation from community resource providers. Sessions include baby brain development, nutrition, correct car seat use, household safety, safe sleep, self-care for new parents, and baby development. Workshops offer expert information, interactions with other parents facing similar questions, and a social outlet for first time parents.
In 2025, workshops are second Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. No advance registration or sign-up is required and caregivers are welcome to drop in.
What happens during a Discovery Baby workshop?
Discovery Baby is held when the museum is closed to the general public in the museum’s infant sensory garden, designed just for pre-walkers. Caregivers scatter around the colorful mats listening to presentations, sharing experiences, and asking questions. Meanwhile, baby brains are hard at work as babies use their senses to gather information about the world around them. Eager fingers build muscle by exploring soft, rough, or smooth textures. Babies interact with each other. Having their caregivers close by helps babies feel safe and secure while exploring their new, exciting world. The program is a comfortable, accessible way for parents to learn new things.
Who can attend?
The free program is open to caregivers with a child under 12 months old. Only babies and caregivers may attend. The museum is closed to the general public during Discovery Baby workshops. In 2025, workshops are second Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. No advance registration or sign-up is required and caregivers are welcome to drop in.