Bikes, Trikes and Wagons

About the Bike, Trike and Wagon Trails

A paved whimsical trail winds through all 4.5 acres of the outdoor adventure area for fun on wheels, with a smaller path for kids who want to take it slow. Bikes, trikes and wagons suitable for all ages are available at the fun bike shed, a topsy-turvy purple house that inspires imagination and fun! Bikes range from balance trikes for toddlers to big kid big wheels, and even bikes designed for children to give adults a ride! Helmets are provided.

Fun Facts
Bikes were purchased with support from the Sunflower Foundation.

Body Building
Hand-eye coordination, Balance, Big Muscle Development (Gross Motor), Body/Spatial Awareness, Muscle Memory

Brain Building
Planning, Cooperation, Communication, Reaction Time, Multitasking

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