Our Recipe for Slime: Discovery at Home

Blog, Discovery at Home

Slime: the gift that keeps on giving! Here’s the slime recipe usually used by Discovery Center educators, who are truly slime experts!


  • 2 (4 oz) bottles of washable school glue
  • 1 or 2 drops liquid food coloring
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons contact solution (saline solution)


  • Mix the food coloring and glue, then add baking soda and stir until smooth.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of contact solution and stir until a ball starts to form.
  • Pick up the slime and work it with your hands. Add more contact solution, if needed, to get to your desired level of sliminess.
  • Put your slime in a clear zipper bag for portable slime play, or for a kids who likes slime but doesn’t like to feel sticky things!

Add in a few of the following ingredients and see what happens!

  • Candy
  • Glitter (pro tip: use glitter glue instead of loose glitter for less mess)
  • Sequins
  • Sprinkles
  • Confetti
  • Beads
  • Plastic toys

How do kids benefit from making slime?

  • They learn opposite words like gooey and solid, warm and cold, big and small, empty and full.
  • They touch, squeeze, smell and feel, helping build connections in the brain.
  • They see chemical reactions in action, teaching cause and effect.
  • They practice using the small muscles in their hands (fine motor skills) later used for writing.
  • They measure ingredients, demonstrating volume and encouraging comparisons.
  • They imagine! Using symbolic thinking, they can become slime chefs, greet an alien life form, or perform slime magic!