
June 16, 2020

Domino Rally Bowling: Discovery at Home

Bowled over! Discover a new way to bowl with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center....

June 15, 2020

Recycled Fashion Show: Discovery at Home

Fashion statement! Learn a new way to create fashion with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's...

June 13, 2020

Exploding Bag Experiment: Discovery at Home | Experimento de la Bolsa Explosiva: Descubrimiento en Casa

Today from Discovery at Home: exploding bag experiment! This activity is presented in English and Spanish thanks to our friends at Hill's...

June 12, 2020

Shape Strength: Discovery at Home

How strong is a circle? Test the strength of shapes with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's...

June 11, 2020

Bug Yoga: Discovery at Home

Can you bend like a beetle? Can you move like a caterpillar? Try it out during bug yoga with local yoga instructor and friend of the...

June 10, 2020

Air Fort: Discovery at Home

Build with air! Make an air fort with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center. Fort...

June 9, 2020

Newborn Play: Discovery at Home

Get some great ideas on playing with your newborn from Sally Wright, educator at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center with special...

June 8, 2020

Paper Plate Ramp: Discovery at Home

Vroom, vroom! Make a paper plate car ramp with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center....

June 6, 2020

Water Droplet Exploration: Discovery at Home | Exploración con Gotas de Agua: Descubrimiento en Casa

Today from Discovery at Home: Explore water droplets! This activity is presented in English and Spanish thanks to our friends at Hill's Pet...

June 4, 2020

Breathing Games: Discovery at Home

Take a breath Today from Discovery at Home: We have some fun breathing games with local yoga instructor and friend of the Kansas...