Stop Motion: Discovery at Home

What you need:

  • Crayons/toys/other items.
  • Camera.
  • Tripod or place you can set your camera where you will be able to take a picture from the same exact spot.


  1. Think about what action you want your pieces to do.
  2. Set up the camera on the tripod/place you designated.
  3. Prepare the stage (camera frame) where you will set up each scene.
  4. Set up the first scene and take a picture.
  5. Move the items slightly and take another picture with the camera in the same spot.
  6. Move the items again slightly, and take another picture with the camera in the same spot.
  7. Continue taking pictures and moving the items slightly until you finish your scene. For example, if you were wanting to spell something out using crayons, you would start with two crayons in the frame, move them slightly and add another crayon, move them slightly and add another crayon.
  8. Continue moving the crayons until they form the word you are planning.
  9. Some cell phones have technology to create gifs and slideshows. You could use apps, Powerpoint or Google Slides to create the story as well. Use your pictures, in order, and the phone’s function to create the video.

Ways to Expand the Activity:

  • Tell a story using the pictures. You could add written words, and multiple items into the story.
  • Try using a person in the stop motion. Challenge yourself to move slightly while someone takes the pictures.

What Kids Learn:

  • Experimentation! When kids experiment, they’re learning how to learn. Failure is an important part of experimenting, so let kids try things that won’t work. It’s how they figure things out!
  • Storytelling. Kids are able to be creative, explore their imagination, and set the foundation for thinking outside the box.


  • Stop motion. The process of filming objects one frame at a time while making small changes in each photo, giving the illusion of motion when the photos are viewed in rapid sequence.