Messy STEAM Factory

January 11, 2020 @ 11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Kansas Children's Discovery Center
4400 SW 10th Avenue
regular admission
Messy STEAM Factory @ Kansas Children's Discovery Center

Start the new year off with a day of with messy science at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center on Saturday, January 11. At 10:30, use your muscles to create a smashing mess with kitchen tools, explore a mad scientist lab full of chemistry explorations at 11:30, at 1:30 launch paint-soaked materials at a canvass using the splat-a-pult, and at 2:30 create messy art with paintsplosions!

Regular admission applies, which is $9 for children and adults, $8 for seniors, and free for infants under 12 months and Discovery Center members. Admission also lets you play all day at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center with over 15,000 square feet of indoor educational exhibits exploring science, careers, art, building and more, a 4.5 acre certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom and special space for babies and toddlers to explore.

Check out for more serious fun!