
November 27, 2020

Toddler Finger Paint: Discovery at Home

Get messy! Ms. Nancy will show you one way to create safe finger paints for your toddler that will create lots of messy fun! This activity...

August 18, 2020

Rock Painting: Discovery at Home

An art activity that really rocks! Join Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center for some...

August 17, 2020

Pool Noodles and Pipe Cleaners: Discovery at Home

We've discovered an awesome new building material: pool noodles and pipe cleaners! Join Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at...

August 11, 2020

Playdough Monsters: Discovery at Home

Rarrrrr! Make playdough monsters with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center. Children...

August 6, 2020

Nature Wands: Discovery at Home

Poof! Nature! Make a nature wand with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center and...

August 3, 2020

Leafy Printmaking: Discovery at Home

If we had a hammer...we'd make some cool leaf prints! Join Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's...

July 22, 2020

Abstract Art Box: Discovery at Home

Outside the box! Make an abstract art box with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center....

July 22, 2020

Yarn Monster: Discovery at Home

Yarn monsters on the loose! Creating art with limited materials is a great was to encourage creativity and get kids working with...

July 17, 2020

Clothespin Puppets: Discovery at Home

Nom Nom! Make a clothespin puppet with Caitlin Luttjohann, Director of STEAM Education at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center. Then use...

July 11, 2020

Stamp Making: Discovery at Home

Make an impression! Create stamps with Sarina Smith from the Kansas Children's Discovery Center. Sarina is an Art Studio major at Washburn...